The first hurdle is speed. If you are mobile, you may have a modem, but more likely a wireless connection that will limit the download speed significantly, especially if you have become used to "broad band" page loading speeds.
The second limit is screen real estate, complicated with unrelated images and advertisements competing for space. While 240x320 doesn't sound like that much less than a 1280x1024 desktop screen, it works out to be only 6% of the total pixel area.
Finally, the fences put in place by frames and Java can corral you
into an unwanted corner. Using Pocket Internet Explorer, you
are given the ability to manipulate frames by tapping the frame border,
holding and sliding the frame smaller or closed. PPC version 2002
provides the great option of tapping and holding within any frame and selecting
"Goto Frame" which opens it alone... great improvement!
Since this page is targeted at Pocket PC users, clicking on the links below will take you directly to the raw information, but you will have to press your "Back" arrow or button to return to this page.
When using a Pocket PC to view each of these links, take a moment
to tap and toggle the "Fit to Screen" setting under "View" A quirk
in Pocket Internet Explorer will also require that you tap one of the screen
scroll bars to complete the toggle to the different resolution. You
will find that the "Fit to Screen" gives a good quick overview of the image
and turning it off immediately gives you full image resolution to view
the fine details reachable by scrolling to the section of the image you
need to view.
Tropical GOES Water Vapor
Atlantic Hurricane Region. If you live on or near the East or Gulf Coast or on islands in the Caribbean or Atlantic, these links could be important. In addition to providing vital storm information at a glance, this particular blank and white image can be extremely beautiful depending on the current conditions.
National Hurricane Center Text Page
This site is the text based page for navigating to the multiple information pages for each tropical storm. Since there may be multiple storms active at any one time, the images and other graphics have file names that are specific to each storm so that pre loading image names is not possible.
The "Graphics" links within these pages are particularly suitable
and useful when accessing them using a Pocket PC. One of the best
is the new "Strike Probabilities" graphic.
This is a traditional "weather map" for those who are still familar with them. If you are viewing this on your PPC, it is really only usable with "Fit to Screen" not checked.
National NextRad Radar Mosaic (Location Picker)
This is the Full Web Page that contains the above image which will allow you to tap a location and go to the radar page for that location. When you get there, you will find that it is a complex page where the actual radar image is only a part of the page, but, on a PC it will allow you to find the url for the image alone to build your own fast load favorite.
I keep this link in my favorites to give me weather radar options when traveling out of my home region.
Austin Texas Forcast Page
Enter your own zip code and determine the url for your current location.