Quick! What's the widely used smartphone operating system in the World?
If you assumed that the answer to that question was iPhone, Apple's
marketing department would be happy ...but you would be wrong.
Despite the common belief that Apple dominates the mobile
phone market, Android based phones now account for almost 83% of all mobile
device sales. ...so here is a good class so that some of those 83% can get more use and functionality out of their
Android devices.
Well, it's been fun!!!!
We had two very successful LLi Android User Classes in 2015, but, I am
unable to continue offering classes at this time. I'm
hopeful that LLi will find someone else to continue them, but you will
have to contact Lifetime Learning Institute to ask and find out if and when they will be offered.
The online class forum is pretty lethargic, but it is alive and
usable. In addition to class notes and discussions that have
valuable information for any level Android user, anyone is free to join
and post Android related questions that will normally get a response in
less than 24 hours.
You can join the previous session class members on the private SilverTechies class forum
and get started without classes begin by participating with
Q&A, class notes, online discussions, links, files and more! To Join the Forum, send an EMail to SilverTechies-Owner@YahooGroups.com with
your contact information and include why you want to join the forum.
will then receive an "invitation" email. Click the "Join This
Group" button contained it that emai. Follow that link, and you will be guided through the
steps necessary to complete your membership request. (Note...
your contact information, including your telephone verification number
will not be used for any other purpose than forum contact
The term "Android" covers a lot of ground and
a number of different "brand names" such as Nexus, Samsung, Motorola,
HTC, Asus, LG, Amazon and others. (..but.not Apple or Windows Devices)
This 8 week class will do it's
best to help you get the most out of any Android device and do so in a
way that will be valuable to both low and high tech users.
Here are a few (but not all) of the topics that the forum can assist you with;
- Phone Basics and Setup
- Text Size and Accessibility Tips
- Understanding, Installing and Using "Apps"
- Getting the Most from Contacts & Calendar
- The Power of "Notifications"
- Reducing Disturbances... Ringer Control & "Airplane Mode"
- Swipes, Pinches, Taps, Back, Home and Stack
- Customizing The "Desktop" and understanding "Widgets"
- EMail on the Go ...including, "Is There Now Any Reason to Text?"
- From Sync to Cloud... Docs, Spreadsheets, etc.
- Coping with Small Screens and Fat Fingers
- Security, Privacy & Safety Concerns
- Phone Costs, Contracts & Number Porting
- Wifi vs Cellular or, "Avoiding The High Cost of Data"
- Understanding "Unlocked" SIM's & International Travel
- Camera, Photos, Video, etc.
- Maps and Navigation
- News, Books, Podcasts, Browsing, Searching, Reference
- Google Keep and Notes of All Types
- Your Medical Assistant
- Carrying a Cyber Wallet
- Reading (and creating) Barcodes
- What's a Bluetooth?
- Printing, Casting, Listening
- ...and Much More
The a vast number of ways to use Android devices is huge. In
addition to the focus on Android, the use and understanding of
Google's other offerings such as GMail, Google Contacts and Calendar, Google Drive,
Google Keep and other Google Apps will be used as a common reference.
The Silver Techies
forum contains resource information and links plus previously
posted user questions and discussions. SilverTechies forum participation is open to anyone who wants to learn more, or help with, any Android
To be honest, if you have never participated in online user
help forums before, getting signed up and started will be frustrating,
but, once you succeed, using it will be extremely easy and a valuable
asset so, stick with it and ask for
help any time you need it.
I (and other forum members) will try to answer any questions posted on this forum at
any time and that generally means you will get a response, if not an
answer, within several hours. Using the forum should significantly reduce the amount
of note and will assure that, links, email addresses
and other information will be available and accurate.
know that any information such as email addresses obtained with respect to the
LLI class will only be used for this class alone and will not be shared
with anyone else.
While I use and endorse many products such as those offered
by Google, I have no connection with any of the services or
products that may be discussed during the eight weeks of class, nor am
I compensated in any way by anyone other than LLi.
Any Questions???
Post them on the Silver Techies
forum (or, if you need help getting started on the forum, EMail the Forum Moderators at "SilverTechies-Owner@YahooGroups.com" by clicking this link) and I, and others, will try to answer as soon
as possible.
Expect to have fun while learning... and you will!
Beverly Howard