At the summit, in a single room with 750 other techies, there were a lot of computers being "lugged" and the majority appeared to be standard sized laptops with even a few Macs attending. Before discovering the PocketPC and having lugged a series of "portables" around which included a thirty pound Kaypro, my feet, back and shoulders constantly gave me adamant demands to reduce the load until my most recent traveling companion had been the two plus pound Sony Vaio "PictureBook" which yielded an acceptable laptop "carry weight" total of 7.5 pounds (3.4 kilos) when the minimal essential laptop accessories were included.
My educated guess at the summit would be that the majority of attendees were hauling about 15 pounds of computer and gear with some likely approaching the 25 to 30 pound range. That works out to around 5.6 tons of gear making unreasonable transport demands on 1496 sore feet and other parts of the human frame, not to mention that those tons were transported by air from around the world for this event alone.
I was the only one of 30+ Mobile MVP's who did not bring a laptop and, the increase in my mobile freedom was evident. While the majority of the PPC and Smartphone folks were equipped with some of the latest and lightest silicon iron laptops, I would still guess that they were transporting at least 10 pounds (4.5 kilos) of computing hardware from meeting to meeting for a full week.
Since 911, security screening issues are also at the front of my trip planning motivations. The decision to travel without laptop yielded rewards here as well since the "code orange" alert during the Summit was requiring that all laptops be removed from their cases and powered up for manual inspection. When I pulled my PocketPC out of my belt pouch, the inspector's observation was that "PDA's were not computers even though their owners think they are..." so, wasn't even asked to turn it on.
If you feel the need or want to travel significantly lighter, read on. The tips and discoveries below reflect both two decades of learning to travel light as well as learning to travel in a light plane as a kid that had absolute maximum travel weight limits.
You have to plan a bit to come up with your own "Kit" based on your specific needs. The following images show the three groups that fit my needs, and the group generally defines how the items will travel with me, on my person, in carry on luggage or in the checked bag(s)
Today's PocketPC's (with some notable exceptions ;-) are generally very good at providing a full travel day's use on battery alone with significant reserves and most provide replacement or extended battery options to meet any concerns.
This return trip from Redmond began at 7:45 am using a 568 with extra capacity battery to reference Pocket Streets in the rent car, then at least 50 percent of the remainder of the 12 hour day it was used to listen to an Audible book with the screen off as well as a number of notes and other references without using any power adapter enroute and I was surprised to find that the battery meter was still at 75% when I arrived.
The Jornada 548 in the original version of this page has already been succeeded by three PocketPC's and the current IMate PDA2K has built in wifi, camera, bluetooth, keyboard and the ability to connect via cellular, so the "carry kit" has already been reduced even more.
I do miss the Jornada's CF slot which provided modem and wired NIC connectivity. As a result, I normally carry a Netgear Travel WIFI Access point which provides wired network connectivity.
1 - DC (automotive) cigarette lighter charger/power supply
2 - Airline plug to cigarette lighter adapter
3 - USB Card Reader
4 - PDA2k Audio Adapter
5 - Serial Cable and Power Connector Adapter
6 - Cellular/Stereo Headset
7 - Dual 1/8" Mono to 1/8" Audio Stereo Jack adapter
8 - Audio Cable Volume Control
9 - Spare Stylus
10- Extra Memory Cards
The airlines have, to a large extent, realized that fully occupied passengers need less "maintenance" and arrive much happier and less frustrated. Many, if not most, full sized aircraft now offer some way to provide a portion of their seats with access to a 12vdc power supply socket. , but even if your flight is on a "regional jet" or prop jets that don't offer them, the PPC's battery advantage over laptops will keep you smiling through a long flight.
One trick is to make or change your seat assignment in advance to get on one of these electrified rows if they are available. If you can't specify it beforehand, and do end up on a socketless row, it may be possible to connect to a socket in the row in front of you and pass the power cord back under the seat. When I first discovered the existence of these outlets, I also discovered that the cabin crew didn't know where the sockets were, but today, check the seat numbers on the overhead racks as they should specify where the outlets have been installed.
American provides the same cigarette lighter sockets found in all cars for the last half century and locates them under the front edge of adjacent seats, generally on every other row.
Other carriers use a much smaller "airline standard" connector located in the armrests which can be converted to a standard cigarette lighter socket using an inexpensive adapter cable (#2 above) available at Radio Shack (best price) or computer and electronic stores such as CompUSA. Take the "airline" adapter even if the airline you booked on uses the cigarette lighter socket for the eventuality that flight delays bounce you to another carrier.
While the PocketPC provides great audio output, adjusting the PPC's volume level is not at all convenient. The short volume control adapter cable allows you to easily adjust any headset's volume even if the PPC is buried in your pocket. Audio "ear buds" are too hard on my ears to make them my preferred choice, but their size means that they can always accompany the PPC, since, sooner or later, I will need a headset when none is around.
"Standard" PocketPC's offer the universally standard 1/8" stereo audio plug jack which almost every stereo headset uses. However, PocketPC "Phone Editions" such as the IMate PDA2k shown use special four conductor jacks in order to provide both stereo audio and microphone connection, so, it is essential that you carry an adapter which will allow you to connect standard 1/8" audio cables for both headset and speaker capabilities.
Laptops also have the option of using a pcmcia adapter, but, while this was an essential item even a few years ago, it's been replaced by the commonality of the USB reader.
Carrying one or more memory cards with a lot of free space is a no brainer, but packing a spare stylus might not seem important until you loose one in the middle of a trip, especially since most PPC's will only store the stylus designed specifically for each unit. There are now a number of multifunction stylus "pens" that offer a pda stylus along with two or more other pen or pencil options... easier to use and reverts the stored stylus to a backup item.
WIFI has become a permanent partner of PocketPC's, either built into the device or by using a WIFI card. There are not that many available access points in the world, but enough have appeared to have provide great, fast internet access in a number of settings, so consider WIFI an essential too.
At the MVP Summit, it was a blast to observe a hall full of connected people taking care of business during every break. It was easy to spot the PocketPC users... they were the ones who didn't have to find an empty place to sit to begin, run and complete a connect session. At one social gathering located at a private residence, if the nearby neighbor who was running an open AP was home, they were likely cursing their service provider as a dozen plus excited MVP's used it to connect wirelessly to sites around the globe, including one who demonstrated his ability to control his home stereo in Germany from Seattle using only his WIFI equipped PPC.
I also carry the config and associated files for workhorses such as
TextPad so that within a few seconds after installing it on a PC at the
destination, it's configured identically to my home PC install. I
have found that other apps can be installed directly to an SD card so
they are available when a borrowed or public computer is available at
the destination.
Serial communications may be aged, but it remains all around us. If you are a techie, it's simply a matter of time before you will need to make a serial connection and the combo cable (#5) will be worth it's weight in gold the first time you need to configure a router in a hot cramped network closet.
1 - Portable Speakers
2 - Stowaway Keyboard (now a Stowaway Bluetooth Model)
3 - Audio Amplifier (also serves additional headset connections)
4 - Small AC adapter/charger
The PocketPC allows you to carry your own music and other audio content such as audio books but, while headphones are great when mobile, having speaker listening options at the end of a long day has essential soothing benefits. Amplified speakers are a good solution and they are available from Radio Shack and other electronic stores. The smaller folding speakers are much easier to carry, the PocketPC can't drive them to provide sufficient volume. The pen shaped "BoosterRoo" amplifier compliments them perfectly and provides a better traveling kit solution, plus, in the air or on the road, it allows a traveling companion to share the tunes.
Many PPC's now sport a "thumb" keyboard, but, if you may have the need to do any writing or code revision during the trip, having an external keyboard such as the Stowaway along is a priority. I have just purchased the Stowaway Bluetooth keyboard and with my limited experience with it has been very positive. One possibility that other keyboards don't offer is the ability to open an app such as Word with the keyboard activated, then put the PocketPC in it's pouch or pocket and then continue typing using only the keyboard which I have found works well even with the keyboard on one's lap.
The onscreen and thumb are sufficient in cranking out brief email responses and keeping notes on the go, but if the client needs a report, you will do well to have on a full set of keys spaced the same as your desktop. In addition to the Stowaways, there are other models available. With the IR models, know before you buy that positioning the PPC can be critical to impossible due to the IR window location on the PPC..
The AC adapter used to be a "must carry" but it has become pretty hard to find an available ac outlet in today's airport terminals so it now normally travels in steerage.
Not Shown
Concerning "connectivity" the primary questions are "What's your Budget," "Who's your Provider" and "Are you traveling Internationally. PPC's such as the PDA2k offer cellular internet connectivity to meet most needs, but the cost could be crippling, so the decision to carry an access point relates to your specific needs and situation.
While Ethernet ports or wifi may be available at airports (with a few expensive exceptions,) more and more hotels and motels are providing them in all rooms at reasonable rates or, in some cases, for free. Here's where carrying an access point pays off as it provides WIFI access to a wired Ethernet port. Each hotel may have it's connect issues but they are getting easier as time progresses and experience grows.
Cable or dsl modem connections are becoming commonplace in households and it has been possible to easily establish a fast connection at friends' places who may not have even owned a computer several years ago. An access point can also provide a connection to a client's network, but, remember, there are security issues when you connect an access point to anyone's private network.
To supplement the access point, carry a cat5 network cable made from the smallest possible four conductor Cat-5 cable. A tiny "Crossover" adapter together with an RJ-45 coupler will also allow you to connect to a single laptop or other computer without the need for a hub. There are also male/female crossover connectors available, an RJ45 coupler shown will do double duty as a phone cord coupler when needed. If you still pack your laptop with you, a crossover coupler will also allow you to establish a high speed ActiveSync connection on the road, eliminating the need to carry a USB or serial sync cable.
The Orinoco RG1000 AP that I have needs a PC based app to configure and monitor it's configuration. That means that the PPC can't be used for that job, so the ability to configure a AP using only a PPC should be a factor in any future purchase. Unfortunately, some of the browser configurable AP's such as the NetGear's have added Java to the mix which precludes configuring using a PocketPC. (Try before you buy)
(Lb/Oz) |
(Grams) |
(2003) Weights |
7.5 oz
212 g
9.0 oz
Essential Items |
9.5 oz
268 g
a high probability of using on plane or in terminal |
11.4 oz
1 lb 1 oz
480 g
1 lb 4.4 oz
Pouches |
4.6 oz
132 g
Other for Remainder of "Group 1" plus Stowaway |
4.6 oz
1 lb 5.6 oz
612 g
1 lb 9.0 oz
Keyboard |
8.0 oz
228 g
to write on plane but it's often in "carry on" anyway |
8.0 oz
1 lb 13.6 oz |
840 g
2 lb 1.0
Items |
14.3 oz
347 g
that are usable "on site" or in hotel rooms. |
7.0 oz
2 lb 11.9 oz
1187 g
2 lb 8 oz
Point |
~16 oz
456 g
Average Weight w/ Pwr Supp & Thin Cable |
Map GPS |
8.0 oz
228 g
Getting Lost! |
8.0 oz
Access Point |
4 lb 3.9 oz
1871 g
3 lb 0.0 oz |
If those figures don't seem significant, take a moment to weigh your laptop bag with everything that you normally carry with it that's necessary to meet all of your traveling needs. After you do that, pile on the additional items that get packed in the luggage and compare what you get to the above totals.
For me, it's interesting that the total weight
went up about 30%... a significant increase. While the "carry
went down by 3.4 ounces, the addition of the WIFI access point
to the luggage total compared to the lightweight NIC and Modem
The addition of the weight of portable speakers and audio amplifier
to their value as a calming impact on travel.
25 - Short AC Cable with three outlets and built
in surge protector
26 - Extra PPC battery (if possible)
27 - DB-9 to DB-25 adapter with gender changers
28 - 1/8" Audio Jack Splitter
29 - Mini AM/FM Radio
30 - Mini Phone with line in and extension jacks
31 - Sound Blocking Stereo Headset!!!
I found this great extension cord with an embedded surge protector (#25) about four years ago at an Office Depot in San Francisco after I discovered that my budget motel's AC outlet allocation would allow me to connect my either my laptop or the desk lamp, but not both at the same time. I shortened it to the minimum necessary to get it clear of most desks, dressers or beds in worst case outlet scenarios and it has been an essential travel companion since.
The 1/8" stereo audio "splitter" (#28) and a second pair of headphones (with inline volume control) allows you to share content on your PPC with a seat mate, expected or otherwise.
A small AM/FM radio (#29) is a nice traveling companion, FM for public radio and tunes, AM for the news including the low power road reports that are appearing along the interstates if your rent car radio has gone south.
That tiny $9 phone (#30) has been pretty handy over the four years that I have had it. On the tech side, it allows you to listen in as the speechless modem tries to make contact plus you have the opportunity to apologize to the grandmother you accidentally awoke at 3am because your area code was wrong.
When staying with friends or at older places such as B&B's, it's not uncommon to have access to an extra telephone jack, often in the guest room but without a phone to use it with.
Finally, all of my own personal weight, size and appearance reservations have been tossed out for this sound blocking (not sound canceling) headset (#31.) My open cockpit aviation history exposed me to terrible acoustic assaults for the majority of my life until I observed that other pilots from that era and before were effectively dealing with the problem by loosing most, if not all, of their hearing due to a lifetime spent in the middle of a roar. I began aggressively protecting my ears in the late 1960's and it is paying off now as I pass my own sixty year mark.
I have followed and tried a number of the sound canceling headsets since they appeared during the nonstop, unrefueled "around the world" flight few years ago, and while some work better than others, none compares to the silence provided by these huge ugly puppies.
Two years ago, I experienced my first long flight in a "regional jet" traveling from DFW to Charleston, SC and was literally stunned by the high ambient noise level in the cabin. Using a normal lightweight headset with the Jornada's volume set at maximum, I was still unable to hear the audio book that I had planned to use to help pass the time during the long flight.
In Charleston I hit the audio stores looking for a headset that would help but found none that actually blocked outside noise until Radio Shack's sound proof "Race Track" units. These are the equivalent of those worn by the ground crews walking around outside of your airline window and are designed to block out almost 100% of all external sound waves. The unit is, unfortunately, wired as "monaural" but it was a simple task to replace the monaural cable with a stereo one and rewire it as a stereo headset. It's also important to note that many similar appearing large headsets do not provide any sound suppression, so, put them on and test and compare, preferably in a noisy environment.
The contrast on the return flight on the same aircraft was
almost total silence under them allowed the audio book to be set to low
volume. The extra plus was that the fatigue generated by the
on the first flight was gone on the return flight. While the
and larger aircraft may be quieter, the peaceful silence provided by
headset is clearly evident, especially when a screaming child in the
row disappears behind the music or novel which is then able to get my
attention in the surrounding silence provided by the headset.
To respond, I've traveled extensively for most of my life and have found it demanding and tiring. Having access to music, audio content, ebooks to meet your own tastes and personal needs goes a long way to making travel easier and survivable.
Most hotel/motel rooms provide only a TV plus a cheap clock radio
by comparison, filling the only private space that you can retreat to
the road with audio content which means something special to you, and
do so with acceptable speakers that free you from headsets and wires
make facing each following day much easier.
Bluetooth audio is appearing in some high end cars, but it is proving to be PPC incompatible, so, being prepared to easily render your audio output loud and clear enough to be understood and enjoyed on the road has significant value.
Some input from the various solutions I have tried over the years... as usual, there is no clear winner.
Pros - Simply plug the transmitter into the ppc, tune the transmitter and radio to match and all ppc audio comes out the radio speakers. These can also be used to transmit to any nearby FM receiver.
I have one model powered with a 12v Automotive Cigarette adapter that provides the additional bonus of a PPC compatible power tap.
The prices range from $15-$50... the more expensive transmitters use digital tuning... no drift.
Con - Can't listen to the radio and GPS directions at the same time. Transmitters may need batteries. On the open road, blank frequencies often replaced by new stations as you move from city to city.
Con - Who has a tape player any more? In addition, some of these adapters are noisy and irritating as they have a mechanical tape transport emulator necessary to prevent the tape player'send of tape auto eject sensor.
A significant percentage of recent car oem radios have these front panel jacks... take a close look at yours and see if you are lucky.
Con - Can't listen to the radio and GPS directions at the same time.
Con - Wires everywhere and batteries needed. Audio not as good or loud as most car speaker output.
As a techie, I often replace the short speaker wires with a length long enough to meet any anticipated car cockpit needs, but you can accomplish the same with an "audio extension cord" which are common at electronic outlets.
For years, part of my "travel kit" has been self stick velcro tape... essential for getting something to "stick" on the dash such as speakers or even a laptop. For a PPC, a "sticky pad" (a rectangle of gooey plastic) almost always provides a good place to keep your PPC handy, and, since I use the "boosteroo", it and the speakers to velcroed to make a compact travel pack...
I'm not normally a "presenter" so I haven't been faced with the need
to give computer based presentations at remote sites. The two
answers are to carry the presentation on a CDRW and hope that the
is available at the other end and not "locked down" or to investigate
PPC VGA output solutions that are now available.