It is NOT difficult to extract the WAV file from an embedded "sound"
object, without using a hex editor or any method to re-record the sound.
Assuming you can "see" the embedded object in Word and if not that's a
Word problem.
1) Open the document in Word. Even if it's a pwi file Word can open it.
2) Right click on the embedded sound object (should be showing as a speaker). Should get a menu popup. About half way down is "Wave Sound Object". Highlight that and a sub-menu should appear with "Play, Edit, Open, and Convert". Click "Edit".
3) A special version of "Sound Recorder" will appear pre-loaded with the sound. Play it here if you want to verify you've got it. Note that under "File" there is NO "Save As" line.
4) Click "Edit" in this recorder window. Various options are listed-- click "Copy".
5) From the start menu find "Sound Recorder" and run it. This will open a new blank Sound Recorder window.
6) In the new Sound Recorder window, click "Edit" then "Paste Insert" (or just ctrl-v). That will paste the wav sound from the first recorder into the 2nd one. BUT there is a BIG difference.
7) The 2nd "Sound Recorder" *DOES* have a "Save As" option under "File".
Click that and enter a name and location for the new WAV file. Wa-la
sound is extracted as a WAV file.
The entire process is very easy to do and is very fast. I do it LOT, mainly from DOC files but also from PWI files (which I don't convert to Outlook) and I have yet to loose a recording or for Word2K to fail to open a recording (just DON'T re-save using Word or it *will* clobber the sound). If there are more than one sound objects embedded just do each one of them--either clearing the previous with File-New or appending it to the previous recording.
Of course, it's even simpler to just create WAV files to begin with using the hardware button but I often want to be able to start and stop recording several times and embedding multiple clips in one document is better than trying to figure out which wav files were which.